"You're a weirdo." The Weinstein Company has debuted a new trailer for the animated movie titled Leap!, originally titled Ba...
Watch: New US Trailer for Animated Ballerina Story Set in Paris 'Leap!'
animated movie
dane dehaan
elle fanning
leap movie
paris dancer
to watch
car news - 2017-03-25T08:42:00-07:00 - Movies Trailers Today
Smurfs Get Lost in a Third Trailer for Sony's 'Smurfs: The Lost Village'
car news - 2017-03-21T08:30:00-07:00 - Movies Trailers Today
"It's like a workout for more eyeballs." Sony Pictures has revealed another new trailer for the CGI animated reboot of The S...
Meet a Cave Man in First Teaser for Aardman's New Film 'Early Man'
car news - 2017-03-20T08:40:00-07:00 - Movies Trailers Today
"You lot are really putting me off!" Huzzah, Aardman is back! It's time to journey back in time to meet the "Early Man...